Easy French Toast Recipe
This Favorite Never Goes Out of Style!

Easy French toast recipe or slightly more advanced versions, this staple in the French diet for young and old has made happy taste buds for generations, and rocked the childhood of many who came home from school to Mommy whipping it up in the kitchen.

The French name for French toast is "pain perdu" (lost bread). This has always been a very economical way to a tasty snack, which used stale bread creatively rather than throwing it away. Who knew way back when that it would become such a lasting sensation...

The best part is that this easy French toast recipe is so simple, anyone -and I mean anyone- can pull it off and actually make a finger-licking snack out of it!


sliced stale bread
2 eggs
2 tablespoon powdered or granulated sugar
Vanilla or cinnamon flavoring (optional)
2 cups of milk
butter or oil


Mix eggs with milk, sugar and vanilla or cinnamon in a bowl.

Cut 6 to 8 slices of (slightly stale - or other) bread.

Soak the bread turning the slices on each side until they have absorbed the liquid.

Heat butter or oil in a frying pan and brown the bread slices on both sides.

Powder on both sides with sugar, or add flavoring of choice.

That's it! Told you it was easy! Enjoy...

Now, for those who want to add a trick or two to this, first let me say, the sky is the limit and you are only bound by your own culinary imagination. I do have another favorite version of mine which requires using an oven and baking the slices after frying them on a skillet.

I know some of you who are like me are interested in these recipes because they are easy! If that's you, you are in luck, because the difficulty level is basically the same as long as you know how to use an oven. I have seen worse, so don't feel slighted if you don't.

French toast recipe with chocolate


sliced stale (or other) bread
2 eggs
2 tablespoon powdered or granulated sugar
Vanilla or cinnamon (optional)
2 cups of milk
butter or oil

Chocolate bar(s)


Preheat the oven to 180º C (450º F).

Mix the eggs and sugar in a bowl, then stir in the milk.

Soak the bread turning the slices on each side until they have absorbed the liquid.

Heat butter or oil in a frying pan and fry the bread slices for 2 minutes on each side.

Finally, bake the slices with a bar of chocolate on each slice for about 5 minutes.

Another chocolate version that requires no baking is simply to spread some Nutella on your bread slices after you've browned them on a skillet.


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