How to speak French: Review of verbe Avoir, Etre, Aller, and Chanter

by Justin W.
(Redondo CA US)

Avoir: To have

J'ai: i have
Tu as: you have
il/elle/on a: he/she has
nous avons: we have
vous avez: you have
il/elles ont: they have

Etre: To be

Je suis: i am
tu es: you are
il/elle/on est: he/she is
nous sommes: we are
vous etes: you are
Ils/elles sont: they are

Je vais: i go
tu va: you go
il/elle on va: he/she/it goes
nous allons: we go
vous allez: you go
ils/elles vont : they go

Je chante : i sing
tu chantes: you sing
il/elle chante: he/she sings
nous chantons : we sing
vous chantez: you sing
ils/elles chantent : they sing

[Great idea Justin. It is important to keep reviewing these foundational verbs until you know them like the back of your hand and you can use them in sentences.
Don't forget verbe faire also. A lot of common expressions are formed around it, so you will be encountering it a lot as well. Good job!

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Dec 19, 2012
how to
by: Taylor Elrod

what are possessive determiners?

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